Euroopa kaevandamisjäätmete nädalal tutvustame monograafiat teemal: Mining Waste Management in the Baltic Sea Region
- Valgma, I.; Karu, V. (2013). Waste from oil shale mining. Marek Cała (Eds.). Mining Waste Management in the Baltic Sea Region (120 - 126). Krakow: AGH University of Science and technology press
- Valgma, I.; Karu, V. (2013). Mining and processing waste management in Estonia. M. Cała (Eds.). Mining Waste Management in the Baltic Sea Region (33 - 42). Krakow: AGH University of Science and technology press
- Valgma, I.; Karu, V. (2013). Baltic Mining Waste Management Business Database. M. Cała (Eds.). Mining Waste Management in the Baltic Sea Region. (15 - 18). Krakow: AGH University of Science and technology press
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